From the pages of What October Brings: A Lovecraftian Celebration of Halloween, a new anthology edited and with an introduction by Doug Draa, comes a treat for your trick-or-treaters!
Celaeno Press has created a series of foldable booklets, reprinting Uncle’s in the Treetops by Darrell Schweitzer. Each prints on a single sheet of single-sided paper and can easily be folded and (with one small cut) turned into a small booklet.
Two different formats are provided:
- 5 Booklets – The story is split into five different parts, each with their own cover. Split them among friends and family members to encourage sharing, or give each trick-or-treater a complete set.
- 1 Booklet – The story is split across four pages, each of which can be folded into a booklet and then glued or taped together into one thicker booklet.
For instructions on how to fold and cut your booklets, you may consult this short video tutorial or this blog post.